Explorer Pipeline, a refined products common carrier pipeline transportation company, with offices in Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Illinois, and Indiana, is pleased to present six scholarships and hotel accommodations to the Williams Fire and Hazard Control’s week long Extreme Industrial Fire & Hazard training at the Brayton Fire Training Field in College Station, Texas. This training, along with on-site hands-on training with Explorer personnel is one of the components of Explorer’s Pipeline Safety Management System emergency response training program.
Tyler Hoover, Dalton Spring, and Andrew Zickefoose from Glenpool, OK, Greg Green and Brian West from Greenville, TX, and Greg Schmidt from Fort Worth, TX Fire Departments were selected by their organizations to participate in the training.
“We are excited to offer these scholarships and support to these deserving firefighters and their departments.” Said Mark Hurley, President & CEO. “This crucial training program will help keep these firefighters and our communities safe.”
Participants worked with firefighting professionals who experienced some of the industry’s largest industrial and petroleum storage tank fire events. The training included classroom study and hands-on practical exercises covering various incident profiles such as, fire dynamics, foam and dry chemical applications, response logistics, field operations, and large-volume equipment applications.
“We’re grateful for Explore Pipeline’s commitment to expanding our training opportunities.” Said Chief Paul Newton, Glenpool Fire Department. “Explorer Pipeline has been great to work with and we appreciate their investment in the safety of Glenpool and its citizens.”
2024 marks WILLIAMS 30th Xtreme Industrial Fire & Hazard Training.
Explorer Pipeline is headquartered in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and has over 240 employees. It transports refined petroleum products through an 1872-mile pipeline system extending from Port Arthur, Texas to the upper Midwest and serves major markets, including Houston, Dallas, Tulsa, St. Louis, and Chicago. The southern system currently has a capacity of 660,000 barrels per day and the northern system currently has a capacity of 450,000 barrels per day.
Media Contact:
Catherine Divis
(918) 645-0629
[email protected]